derechos y deberes de los trabajadores dominicanos

En esta oportunidad hablaremos de los derechos y deberes de los trabajadores dominicanos asi como de algunas situaciones que se pueden presentar en el ámbito laboral, las cuales han sido cuestiones de las que hemos recibido preguntas en los últimos meses. Derechos de los trabajadores dominicanos: Libertad sindical: Los trabajadores tienen derecho a formar sindicatos […]

Apostille of documents in Dominican Republic

The process of apostille of documents in Dominican Republic has become an indispensable thing, not only for our country, but for any citizen of the world. That being said, because it is such an important topic, in this article we are going to refer in detail some of the most common questions about the process […]

Repatriation of Capital in the Dominican Republic

The topic of Repatriation of Capital in the Dominican Republic is a matter that draws a lot of interest. Our law firm receives a large number of legal consultations from clients who are interested in creating or forming corporations and/or companies in the country. This is because many countries have a tax rate for the Repatriation of Capital for Foreign Investment. This is not […]

take legal action against a hotel over an accident in the Dominican Republic

Yes, you may take legal action against a hotel over an accident in the Dominican Republic, if this accident occurred inside the premises of the hotel and the injury occurred due to negligence. However, we often say that before we even consider pressing charges, we should determine if there is sufficient evidence to win that suit. […]

licitaciones publicas en República Dominicana

Una licitación pública en República Dominicana es un proceso en donde las Instituciones del Estado Dominicano convocan a las empresas que puedan estar interesadas, a concursar presentando sus propuestas, entre las cuales se elegirá solo a las empresas que cumplan con las especificaciones solicitadas. En la vibrante economia de Republica Dominicana las licitaciones publicas son […]

Embargoes in the Dominican Republic

An embargo can be defined as the means of forceful enforcement by which a creditor, after complying with the requirements established by the law, brings the assets of their debtor to justice. This imposition is implemented for the purpose of selling said assets at public auctions, thus allowing the creditor to obtain what is owed by the debtor […]

notaries in the Dominican Republic

Law 140-15, of 2015, regulates notaries in the Dominican Republic and establishes the following: Notaries “are public officials instituted by the State to receive, interpret and draft acts, contracts, and declarations, as well as verifying acts that they personally carry out, which grants these documents the authenticity commonly inherent in acts of public authority and endows them with a specific date”. […]

Retire in the Dominican Republic

Retire in the Dominican Republic can be an attractive option for many people, due to the advantages that the country offers to foreign nationals. These advantages range from the possibility of living tax-free, to enjoying a relaxing life, and an excellent climate, among others. In this article we will explain why retire in the Dominican Republic can be the […]


Cybercrime, such as scams and extortion, has been on the rise for some time, this happens as a result of a society where technology plays a very important role. Although we do not realize it, many times these technologies facilitate and provide a habitual way for the perpetration of crime and even generate new types of infractions, […]

Visitation rights in the Dominican Republic

Visitation Rights in the Dominican Republic are rights carried by the parent who does not have custody of the child. In practical terms, the parents can mutually agree on a type of visitation schedule, but they also have the option of having a Judge determine the best course of action based on the specific case. Despite the fact that […]