Civil Law
La prescripción de deudas en República Dominicana es el periodo de tiempo después del cual un acreedor pierde el derecho legal de exigir el pago de una deuda o de sus intereses lo que quiere decir que si pasa un tiempo determinado antes de que un acreedor en nuestro país tome una acción legal para […]
En esta oportunidad hablaremos de los derechos y deberes de los trabajadores dominicanos asi como de algunas situaciones que se pueden presentar en el ámbito laboral, las cuales han sido cuestiones de las que hemos recibido preguntas en los últimos meses. Derechos de los trabajadores dominicanos: Libertad sindical: Los trabajadores tienen derecho a formar sindicatos […]
Yes, you may take legal action against a hotel over an accident in the Dominican Republic, if this accident occurred inside the premises of the hotel and the injury occurred due to negligence. However, we often say that before we even consider pressing charges, we should determine if there is sufficient evidence to win that suit. […]
Law 140-15, of 2015, regulates notaries in the Dominican Republic and establishes the following: Notaries “are public officials instituted by the State to receive, interpret and draft acts, contracts, and declarations, as well as verifying acts that they personally carry out, which grants these documents the authenticity commonly inherent in acts of public authority and endows them with a specific date”. […]
Many people have heard about the prenuptial property separation agreement, so in this article, we will try to briefly explain how these agreements work in this country, as well as the associated advantages and risks. A prenuptial agreement (prenup for short) is a contract between two individuals who intend to marry each other. Prior to the marriage, this agreement is […]