Foreigners in the Dominican Republic

La nacionalidad por matrimonio en República Dominicana es el proceso legal mediante el cual, una persona del extranjero puede adquirir la nacionalidad dominicana al estar casado con un ciudadano dominicano. El matrimonio con un dominicano/a permite al extranjero que este casado con este, acceder a los derechos y beneficios de la ciudadanía dominicana como por […]

The topic of Repatriation of Capital in the Dominican Republic is a matter that draws a lot of interest. Our law firm receives a large number of legal consultations from clients who are interested in creating or forming corporations and/or companies in the country. This is because many countries have a tax rate for the Repatriation of Capital for Foreign Investment. This is not […]

Yes, you may take legal action against a hotel over an accident in the Dominican Republic, if this accident occurred inside the premises of the hotel and the injury occurred due to negligence. However, we often say that before we even consider pressing charges, we should determine if there is sufficient evidence to win that suit. […]

Retire in the Dominican Republic can be an attractive option for many people, due to the advantages that the country offers to foreign nationals. These advantages range from the possibility of living tax-free, to enjoying a relaxing life, and an excellent climate, among others. In this article we will explain why retire in the Dominican Republic can be the […]

In this article, we will be explaining everything related to Investment in the Dominican Republic, along with the Tax Benefits and Incentives currently available, designed to attract Foreign Investment to the Dominican Republic. In other articles, we have elaborated on several topics of interest referring to Business and Investment in the Dominican Republic, such as Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic and Profitable Businesses […]

Individuals who establish their residence in the country may be exempt from paying customs tax in the Dominican Republic for personal furnishings. In order to be eligible for this exemption, you would need to fall into one of the following categories: Dominican citizens coming to retire Foreign nationals who establish their residence in the country There is […]

Electronic Signature in the Dominican Republic is regulated under Law 126-02 on e-commerce, Documents, and Electronic Signatures, as well as its regulations contained in Decree 335-03. This law was enacted in 2002 and its regulations in 2003, which means it is not new in this country, what is also true, however, is that its utility and […]

Residence visa in the Dominican Republic by investment as a rentier or retired: tax exemptions
In other articles, we have explored the different benefits of the Incentives and Tax Exemptions available for holders of Residence Visa in the Dominican Republic by Investment through Law 171-07 in the category of: Retiree ; and Rentier One of the most important reasons is the different Tax Exemptions granted to beneficiaries of these categories. IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: the tax levied on INCOME GENERATED ABROAD applicable to persons […]

Capital gains tax in the Dominican Republic
Let’s talk about Capital Gains Tax in the Dominican Republic, establishing its application and when it needs to be paid. It is always important to be familiar with the taxation system in any given country, both for its residents/citizens, as well as anyone who plans to immigrate to the Dominican Republic. We have stated previously that […]