An Entry Bar occurs when a country, by migratory port, limits its entry to a foreigner for diverse reasons. In the case of the Dominican Republic, this same definition applies, and the institution that deals with it is the General Direction of Migration (in Spanish: Dirección General de Migración).
This issue can arise from a very delicate situation, which we explain in detail.
When the Dominican Republic prevents someone from entering the country, the problem can become a little difficult to solve. This is because their country or the one that notified and warned the Dominican authority about their criminal record or legal situation decides to intervine. If it is the case, there are others that are not for this reason, and it is pointed out below.
There are convictions or crimes, that each country:
When international notifications are made, they always refer to countries you have traveled or may travel to in the future, as a preventive and informative way. When this happens, it is because:
“You have been convicted, you are under probation or, worse, you have a warrant for your arrest.”
There is the well-known International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL, and it is an intergovernmental body with 196 member countries. They help the police departments of these countries to collaborate with each other. To do so, they facilitate the exchange and access to information on crimes and criminals.
Another well-known and widely used international system is the Second-Generation Schengen Information System (SIS II).
The Second-Generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) is a large-scale database system that stores alerts on people and objects in connection with the control of the Schengen area, and is intended to ensure security in this environment.
The information can be accessed by authorities responsible for border controls, customs, law enforcement and visa issuing authorities.
The United States has several laws authorizing the publication online of individuals considered to be criminals, especially sex offenders. A notable example is Megan’s Law. As a result, it is very easy to access the records of people with this type of background.
Common cases reported:
No, not necessarily. In fact, immigration officials may or may not access an international report. This has something to do with the fate of each individual, unless there is a particular international arrest warrant alert.
If you are detained, this can be for many reasons, such as:
DO NOT LIE! It is worse if you deny any Criminal Record, because that will give rise to an ENTRY PROHIBITION FOR LYING and that is another very serious issue.
There are other reasons for being barred from entering the Dominican Republic:
Determined by the case, it could be requested:
In criminal cases, generally, the support of the request for the lifting of the Entry Bar in the Dominican Republic must be accompanied by certain documents, including:
In other cases, other than criminal matters, the lifting application process is easier.
In general, and definitive consideration:
A case of Barred Entry in the Dominican Republic is extremely delicate; therefore, it should not be an option, but a decision, to consult with an attorney specialized in this area, either in your country of origin or in the Dominican Republic. This will allow you to be aware and evaluate your possible solutions to reverse this situation, as well as to be informed of your situation in the near future.
This article is focused on grounds for denial of entry based on criminal records, but in cases, for example, where the foreigner:
These last cases are much easier to solve. Depending on the case, it simply applies to:
Once you are in Dominican territory (at the airport), it is sometimes possible to solve this problem; however, it will take some time, since you must proceed with several steps and validations. Similarly, if you have been denied entry, you can do everything outside the country, giving power of attorney to a specialist in the field who can represent you before the relevant authorities.
If you need more details, do not hesitate to contact us. In our law firm, Morillo Suriel Abogados – Attorneys At Law, we have a division specialized in Immigration Law – Foreigners. We invite you to consult us about this and any other issue related to this same area.
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