taxes in the dominican republic

customs tax in the Dominican Republic

Individuals who establish their residence in the country may be exempt from paying customs tax in the Dominican Republic for personal furnishings. In order to be eligible for this exemption, you would need to fall into one of the following categories: Dominican citizens coming to retire Foreign nationals who establish their residence in the country There is […]

Inheritance tax in the Dominican Republic

Inheritance tax in the Dominican Republic

Taxation is one of the most important topics for a citizen of any country, and on that note, we have a similar prevailing topic of significant importance, since it has a profound impact on people and no possibility of avoiding it. The matter in question is Inheritance Tax in the Dominican Republic, we will be addressing this […]

Main taxes in the Dominican Republic.

  • By: Vianela Morillo
  • Tax Law

Taxes are mandatory contributions that individuals and companies in the Dominican Republic must pay to government entities, such as the Tax Administration (DGII) office. Through them, the State obtains sufficient resources to carry out administration, provision of public services and perform necessary infrastructure, etc. In its portal, the DGII office defines the term taxes as follows: “Taxes […]