At Morillo Suriel Abogados – Attorneys At Law we are lawyers specialized in Civil Law in the Dominican Republic, offering current and fast service on the subject, accurate in the reality of the market and the legal jurisdiction we have in the country.
In the Dominican Republic many hotels offer timeshare packages or timeshare as it is usually known, this product is often accepted by the tourist who after analyzing it usually regrets it. The term timeshare is often related to deceptive agreements or scams. In our firm we help you to get out of this type of contracts.
– Advice on how to cancel it by yourself.
– Amicable Cancellation Request.
– Conciliation and Agreement with the Hotels and their Attorneys.
– Request for Refund of the amount paid.
– Lawsuit in Cancellation of Contract.
– Consultation – Legal Evaluation.
– Contract and/or Agreements subscribed.
– Communications and/or conversations held.
– Identity Documents.
– Address.
– It will depend on the service required and its characteristics.
– As well as the phase of the service