Family Law (Boys, Girls and Teenagers in Dom. Rep.)
Visitation rights in the Dominican Republic
Visitation Rights in the Dominican Republic are rights carried by the parent who does not have custody of the child. In practical terms, the parents can mutually agree on a type of visitation schedule, but they also have the option of having a Judge determine the best course of action based on the specific case. Despite the fact that […]
Adult adoption in the Dominican Republic
A common question one might ask is if it is possible to adopt an adult in the Dominican Republic, the answer is, Yes. In general and common practice, adoptions usually involve minors, however, Adult Adoptions are also admitted in the Dominican Republic, so we will be explaining how this process is managed through the courts of the country. This process is […]
In this article, we will try to explain in simple words a topic that can often be questionable for some people in certain situations. The topic in question is the Legal Capacity of minors in the Dominican Republic. Natural persons are entitled to Civil Rights throughout their entire lives and are endowed with personality and legal capacity. […]
As an attorney, working as a mediation lawyer has become crucial in the professional practice of law, since it hopes to facilitate conflict resolution in a more amicable manner. An attorney is a legal professional who is qualified to explain and interpret laws and to handle legal matters in general. Additionally, an attorney is a representative in the legal field who […]
Any topic involving children is to be treated with a lot of care and responsibility from the parties and the states/countries, and the Dominican Republic is no exception. Some of the most recurrent and intricate cases are the ones related to a travel ban for children to prevent them from leaving the country, regardless of where they live, […]
When it comes to minors in general, it does not matter where one of the parents may be in order to access justice, and request Child Support, Visitation or Custody (parental loss) . The child’s domicile will always be taken into account, in order to determine where the claim would need to start, regardless of the […]
Child Support in the Dominican Republic
The topic of Child Support requires a high level of attention, subtlety and care, at a family, social and judicial level. Non-compliance with this ubiquitous figure is severely punished in the Dominican Republic. In the Dominican Republic, it is established in Art. 170 and following of the Children’s Code No. 136 of the year 2013 […]
Before explaining the process to request custody of a minor in the Dominican Republic, we must refer to the bases that support this figure. These bases are as follows: The law that governs this matter in the Dominican Republic. The concept or meaning of this figure. And most importantly, what Legislators and the State are […]
Custody is the responsibility assigned to one of the parents, both parents or even a third party, to be able to care for the children and live with them. In accordance to article 82, of the Code for the Protection of children and adolescents, custody is: “Situation of physical or moral nature in which a child or […]