Family Law (Divorces)

As an attorney, working as a mediation lawyer has become crucial in the professional practice of law, since it hopes to facilitate conflict resolution in a more amicable manner. An attorney is a legal professional who is qualified to explain and interpret laws and to handle legal matters in general. Additionally, an attorney is a representative in the legal field who […]

The title of this article: “Is the ‘A vapor’ Divorce option still available in the Dominican Republic?” goes hand in hand with the novelty that comes with the new Law No. 544-14, on private international law In The Dominican Republic. This law has somehow referred to Divorce, and with it specifically to the process of ‘A Vapor’ or […]

In terms of costs, the divorce process in the Dominican Republic varies considerably depending on the type of divorce and who is the party requesting it. One example is how the process tends to take a little longer if the husband is the one who files the petition for divorce, compared to how long it takes if […]

En esta ocasión nos interesa detallar precisamente sobre: La Partición Amigable de Bienes Inmuebles entre Esposos despues del divorcio, como es el proceso, más que todo. Cuando dos personas o ex cónyuges después de haber finalizado un proceso de divorcio ya sea Causa Determinada o por Mutuo Consentimiento, están interesados en realizar de forma amigable […]

The type of Divorce known in the Dominican Republic as ‘A Vapor’ is one of the most common topics of interest for our non-citizen clients, who come to our firm seeking legal solutions. As a result, we will discuss this topic in this article, along with providing information about the benefits and the process to follow […]

In previous articles, we have commented on how long it takes and the costs related to a Divorce in the Dominican Republic, as well as Divorce for foreign nationals and Divorces by Mutual Consent. However, there are a significant number of people interested in getting a divorce who are not eligible for these categories or cannot perform these procedures […]

Given that many of our blog readers are interested in obtaining more information about the legal basis of divorce in the Dominican Republic, I will be discussing it in this article. As you know, marriage is a civil contract subject to several formalities according to our legislation and seeks to regulate the conjugal relationship between a man […]

We have covered conjugal property systems, addressing the most common system in the Dominican Republic, which is the Community Property Regime. We have also addressed the topic of the different types of divorce available in the country. However, this time it would be important to explain what happens following a divorce process, in cases in […]