Legal Incapacity

Legal Incapacity and Judicial Interdiction are very sensitive topics, due to the social, legal, and emotional repercussions they can have on a family or in general. Requesting the incapacitation of an elderly individual, and consequently, having them under Legal Guardianship, is not an easy decision to make and it is not a simple process. Legal Guardianship is considered part of Family Law, […]

Legal capacity of minors in the Dominican Republic

In this article, we will try to explain in simple words a topic that can often be questionable for some people in certain situations. The topic in question is the Legal Capacity of minors in the Dominican Republic. Natural persons are entitled to Civil Rights throughout their entire lives and are endowed with personality and legal capacity. […]

How to cancel a timeshare in the Dominican Republic

Whenever a Timeshare is mentioned, many people see it as a scam, given that they have been quite discredited over time due to several factors not favorable to users. However, before starting this article on how to cancel a timeshare in the Dominican Republic, it would be best to start by explaining what a timeshare is: “A timeshare consists […]

Mediation lawyer

As an attorney, working as a mediation lawyer has become crucial in the professional practice of law, since it hopes to facilitate conflict resolution in a more amicable manner. An attorney is a legal professional who is qualified to explain and interpret laws and to handle legal matters in general. Additionally, an attorney is a representative in the legal field who […]

Import products in the dominican republic

Our country has shown high levels of growth in recent years, and without a doubt, some of the points that highlight its growth are foreign investment, and the revitalization of the import and export of products in the Dominican Republic, among others. The importing industry could bring with it certain negative circumstances, therefore, it is vital to contractually […]

travel ban for children

Any topic involving children is to be treated with a lot of care and responsibility from the parties and the states/countries, and the Dominican Republic is no exception. Some of the most recurrent and intricate cases are the ones related to a travel ban for children to prevent them from leaving the country, regardless of where they live, […]

Change Name in Dominican Republic

Anyone in the Dominican Republic can request a name change, the same logic applies to making an addition to existing names. This is regulated by Law No. 659 from July 17th, 1944 on Civil Status Acts, which states the following: Requirements; Steps; Costs. Is changing a name simple? We will not say that the process is quick or easy, only that […]

perdón migratorio

El perdón migratorio o “Waiver” es un recurso legal con el cual se puede solicitar que no se aplique a un caso determinado una norma general, admitiendo así una excepción que le permita adquirir beneficios migratorios sin inconvenientes. Se suele utilizar en casos donde la persona que busca solicitar un visado a Estados Unidos no […]

Obtener ciudadania americana a traves de los padres

Es de conocimiento general que las personas nacidas en los Estados Unidos son consideradas ciudadanas estadounidenses. No obstante, varios se preguntan sobre cuáles otras vías existen para adquirir la ciudadanía, en especial como se puede obtener la ciudadanía americana a través de los padres en el caso de aquellos donde al menos uno de los […]

bien de familia

La Constitución de un Bien de Familia, es un procedimiento especial que consiste en conservar y proteger un inmueble, dentro del patrimonio familiar, teniendo esta figura como característica principal, que el bien afectado será declarado como inembargable, es decir, estará protegido y no podría ser embargado (con algunas excepciones), por lo cual puede ser una […]