Foundations carry out activities for the common good and social welfare; gaining monetary benefits or profit from their members is not their purpose. In the Dominican Republic, Nonprofit Associations (known in Spanish as ASFL) are governed in accordance with Law 122-05 with the implementing regulation 40-08. They are also commonly called:
The law establishes them as Nonprofit Associations (NPA).
NPAs have great significance in this Caribbean island, due to how they can promote common development and strengthening, by focusing on the fulfillment of objectives of public interest or that benefit society as a whole.
A foundation or association in the Dominican Republic, as in many other parts of the world, is considered a legal entity with the goal and capability to perform its functions. Its main feature is not being a for-profit entity, although this does not prevent them from conducting lucrative activities and commerce. These organizations will always pursue enrichment or benefit for the fulfillment of their purpose, not the enrichment of its members.
Upon reading the requirements, we might think that it is extremely easy to obtain the incorporation of an NPO, and thus its status as a legal entity; however, in practice, it can become a bit more complicated.
One of the benefits of NPOs is that once the authorization of incorporation is issued, they are assigned a National Taxpayers Registry Number (known in Spanish as RNC). Through the RNC, they can request tax exemptions for the purchase and sale of the activity desired.
Important points to note:
Within sixty (60) days following the request.
An important point to take into account due to its importance in the process is that after the authorization for the incorporation of the Nonprofit Association (NPA) is issued, you are given one (1) month to complete the advertising process. If the process is not completed within that time frame, the NPA will not be considered a legal entity.
There are several benefits; but in simple terms its essence is its greatest benefit: making an important contribution to society, positively impacting itself.
There are many Nonprofit Associations (NPAs) in the Dominican Republic with varied objectives. As we stated at the beginning of the article, the country promotes the establishment of these associations, due to the positive impact they have on society. The Dominican Republic encourages their creation so much that they can receive public funds (which we will talk about in a different article, as it is an extensive and interesting topic).
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